Our school meals are provided by Aspens. Each day, a variety of meals are on offer, including a main option, a vegetarian option, jacket potato with various toppings and a selection of sandwiches (see menu below).
From 26th February 2024 each school meal will cost £2.53 per day or £12.65 per week. All payments and bookings for lunches will be made using the Aspens Select web page here. Parents must log in and register using select.aspens-services.com and pick the "Parent Registration" option to register for the site before they can login. Once registered, the site will prompt the parent to enter the child and school code upon first login. Codes are individual for each child and can be obtained from the school office.
Universal Free School Meals are provided for children in KS1 (Reception to Year 2). A form needs to be completed at the office upon your child’s start at Norwich Road Academy.
If you prefer to provide a packed lunch from home, please ensure that the meal does not contain sweets or chocolates. If possible, drinks should be fresh juice, milk or water.
For children in KS2 (Years 3 to 6): If parents/carers are in receipt of benefits, you may be able to claim Free School Meals for your child. Please complete the form below or pop into the academy office to find out more.